A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".
Micrometer A micrometer (also called a micron) is 1000 times smaller than a millimeter.
Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.
A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".A millionth of a meter is called a micrometer, often abbreviated as "micron".
A micron is 1/1000000 of a metre.
The SI unit for 1 micron is the meter (m). A micron is equal to 1 x 10^-6 meters.
1 micron is an abbreviation for 1 micrometer so they are the same length. 1 micrometer (1μm) is equal to 1.0x10^-6 m.
Micron is short for "micrometer", a millionth of a meter, or 1/1000 of a millimeter.Micron is short for "micrometer", a millionth of a meter, or 1/1000 of a millimeter.Micron is short for "micrometer", a millionth of a meter, or 1/1000 of a millimeter.Micron is short for "micrometer", a millionth of a meter, or 1/1000 of a millimeter.
Micrometer A micrometer (also called a micron) is 1000 times smaller than a millimeter.
A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.
it is an unit to measurement of length.10000micron =1centimeterAnswerA 'micron' is an obsolete term for a micrometer(one-millionth of a metre).
Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.Nano means 10-9 = 1/109, so 532 nanometers is 532 x 10-9 meters. About half a micron (micrometer); a micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.
A micron is a unit of measurement equal to one millionth of a meter, commonly used in the field of microscopy. A micrometer, on the other hand, is a device used to measure very small distances with precision, typically in the range of 0.001 millimeters.