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Q: Are molecules bigger or smaller than atoms?
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Are atoms bigger than molecules?

No, atoms are smaller than molecules. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter and combine to form molecules, which are made up of two or more atoms bonded together.

What are smaller than cells but larger than atoms?

Molecules are smaller than cells but larger than atoms. They are composed of atoms bonded together to form a distinct structure.

Subatomic particles bigger than molecles?

Subatomic particles are smaller than molecules and are the building blocks of atoms. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are examples of subatomic particles found in atoms. There are no known subatomic particles that are bigger than molecules.

Are particles smaller then atoms?

particle is a general term. subatomic particles are smaller than atoms. dirt particles, for example, are much bigger than atoms

Which one smaller cell atom molecule?

An atom is smaller than a cell, and a molecule is smaller than both atoms and cells. Cells are composed of molecules, which in turn are made up of atoms.

Is a molecule bigger than a cell?

No, a molecule is smaller than a cell. A molecule is made up of atoms, while a cell is a basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. Cells can contain many molecules within them.

Does monosaccharide molecule has more atoms than a protein molecule?

The proteins molecules are bigger.

Is a cell larger than a molecule?

Molecules are made of cells, and cells are made up of atoms. So no, a cell is NOT bigger. Least to greatest size- atoms, cells, molecules No. Cells are not made of atoms. Molcules are larger than cells, but smaller than atoms. Atoms go to 10 to the negative tenth power. Molecules go to 10 to the negative ninth power. And cells go to 10 to the negative fith power.

Is a atom smaller then a molecule?

Yes, an atom is smaller than a molecule. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter and cannot be broken down further by chemical means, while molecules are made up of two or more atoms bonded together.

Are nitrogen molecules Smaller than butane molecule?

Yes, nitrogen molecules are smaller than butane molecules. Nitrogen molecules consist of two nitrogen atoms, while butane molecules consist of four carbon and ten hydrogen atoms. Carbon atoms are slightly smaller than nitrogen atoms, but four of them are definitely larger than two nitrogen atoms, and of course, there are also the ten hydrogen atoms, and although hydrogen atoms are the smallest type of atom, if you have ten of them it does contribute to the size of the molecule. Further to this, the distance between bonds will be smaller in N2 as this is a triple bond because of 3 shared electrons each, whereas it is single bonds between the carbons, elongating the bonds between carbons

What is bigger molecule or virus?

Molecules are generally smaller than viruses. Molecules are composed of atoms bonded together, while viruses are much larger structures made of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat.

Is an atom bigger than a mole?

No, an atom is much smaller than a mole. An atom is the basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. A mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to represent a large number of atoms or molecules (approximately 6.022 x 10^23 particles).