

Are nation and identity related

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Are nation and identity related
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To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity - 38k?

Nation should be the foundation of identity because the founadtion of everyone's individual identity began in their nation. Everyone has a nation (or "Nation's") they belong to and that nation is were their identity begins. Therefore; nation is the foundation of identity and to every extent.

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it is called nation struggling for its own identity because it is a nation that is struggling for its own identity.. :D

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Three forces that shape a nation identity, the identity of he individuals inside the nation, (including their beliefs, values, ethnicity, ect.) the geography, (where the nation is located.) and government (political forces within the nation.)

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No the KKK & the aryan nation are not related. To be truthful the KKK is for the most part fake.

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As with any nation they have both

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A country becomes a nation when its people share a common identity, history, culture, and language. This shared sense of community and belonging often leads to the formation of a national identity that distinguishes that country from others. Additionally, a nation typically has its own government, laws, and sovereignty.

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pop culture and identity are alike because they both like cake.. this is fact

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