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Natural numbers are the same as counting numbers, but the term positive numbers means something else. Natural or counting numbers are positive integers, but the category of positive numbers includes both integers and fractions, as long as they are greater than zero.

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Q: Are natural numbers counting numbers and positive numbers different names for the same set of numbers?
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Related questions

What are counting or natural numbers?

Counting numbers are the positive integers: 1, 2, 3, and so on. Natural numbers are the counting numbers along with the number 0.

Is the positive counting numbers known as natural numbers?


Can a number be both natural and positive?

The most common definition of 'natural' numbers is: The counting numbers.According to that definition, all natural numbers are positive.

What is another name for the set of counting numbers?

positive integers

What is the definition of natural numbers?

A natural counting number is a positive number greater than 0

What are whole numbers greater than 0 called?

Counting numbers, positive integers, natural numbers.

Can a number be both natural and irrational?

No. "Natural" numbers are the counting numbers, otherwise known as the positive integers. They are all rational.

What are natural numbers and their examples?

Natural numbers are positive integers, also known as counting numbers. Some examples are 3, 4, 4359.

Why is 7 a natural number?

The natural numbers are the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, .... (sometimes 0 is included). 7 is one of these, thus it is a natural number. As a result of the natural numbers being the counting numbers they are the same as the positive integers (of which 7 is one).

What is the natural and counting number?

Counting numbers are positive integers 1, 2, 3 and so on. There is some disagreement whether natural numbers are the same thing or whether they include zero like whole numbers.

What is the difference between the set of whole numbers and the sets of counting numbers?

The set of counting (natural) numbers is the set of all positive integers, while the set of whole numbers is the set of all positive integers included zero.

What all the counting numbers?

1to9 are counting numbers Counting numbers are positive whole numbers and not zero. They can also be called 'natural numbers'. They are so called because when you count, you start at +1, then +2, +3 and continue on in this... That would be zero, and negative integers. "Counting numbers" refers to integers (whole numbers) that are positive (larger than zero).