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Q: Are nephews considered lineal descendants
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In Ohio when a spouse who is solely on mortgage dies does surviving spouse get the house?

If your spouse died intestate (without a will) the property would pass as follows: 105.06. Ohio Statute of descent and distribution. When a person dies intestate having title or right to any personal property, or to any real estate or inheritance, in this state, the personal property shall be distributed, and the real estate or inheritance shall descend and pass in parcenary, except as otherwise provided by law, in the following course: (A) If there is no surviving spouse, to the children of the intestate or their lineal descendants, per stirpes; (B) If there is a spouse and one or more children of the decedent or their lineal descendants surviving, and all of the decedent's children who survive or have lineal descendants surviving also are children of the surviving spouse, then the whole to the surviving spouse; (C) If there is a spouse and one child of the decedent or the child's lineal descendants surviving and the surviving spouse is not the natural or adoptive parent of the decedent's child, the first twenty thousand dollars plus one-half of the balance of the intestate estate to the spouse and the remainder to the child or the child's lineal descendants, per stirpes; (D) If there is a spouse and more than one child or their lineal descendants surviving, the first sixty thousand dollars if the spouse is the natural or adoptive parent of one, but not all, of the children, or the first twenty thousand dollars if the spouse is the natural or adoptive parent of none of the children, plus one-third of the balance of the intestate estate to the spouse and the remainder to the children equally, or to the lineal descendants of any deceased child, per stirpes; (E) If there are no children or their lineal descendants, then the whole to the surviving spouse; (F) If there is no spouse and no children or their lineal descendants, to the parents of the intestate equally, or to the surviving parent; (G) If there is no spouse, no children or their lineal descendants, and no parent surviving, to the brothers and sisters, whether of the whole or of the half blood of the intestate, or their lineal descendants, per stirpes; (H) If there are no brothers or sisters or their lineal descendants, one-half to the paternal grandparents of the intestate equally, or to the survivor of them, and one-half to the maternal grandparents of the intestate equally, or to the survivor of them; (I) If there is no paternal grandparent or no maternal grandparent, one-half to the lineal descendants of the deceased grandparents, per stirpes; if there are no such lineal descendants, then to the surviving grandparents or their lineal descendants, per stirpes; if there are no surviving grandparents or their lineal descendants, then to the next of kin of the intestate, provided there shall be no representation among such next of kin; (J) If there are no next of kin, to stepchildren or their lineal descendants, per stirpes; (K) If there are no stepchildren or their lineal descendants, escheat to the state.

What is the difference between linear and lineal?

In the sense of an adjectival form fro a line, there is no difference, except that lineal is an older version. In the context of genealogy - ancestors and descendants - lineal is used rather than linear.

What information can be found in a lineal descendants chart?

A lineal descendants chart provides information about the direct ancestors and descendants of a particular individual, showing their relationships in a linear fashion. This chart typically includes names, birth and death dates, and sometimes additional details such as marriage information or locations.

What is the difference in usage of lineal versus linear?

In the sense of an adjectival form fro a line, there is no difference, except that lineal is an older version. In the context of genealogy - ancestors and descendants - lineal is used rather than linear.

What is the difference between linear feet and lineal feet?

None - they both refer to a direct line. Linear usually refer to a [straight] line as does lineal. Lineal is also used ion the context of direct ancestors and descendants, whereas linear is not usually used in that sense.

What is the difference between lineal meter and linear meter?

None, really. They both mean the length of one metre in a line. The word lineal, however, is more commonly used in the context of genealogy - the line of ancestors or descendants.

What are the terms for the two ways in which the testator can distribute the estate among the lineal descendants?

The two terms are per stirpes and per capita. Per stirpes means the estate is divided among branches of the family based on equal shares per branch, while per capita means the estate is divided equally among all lineal descendants regardless of their branch in the family tree.

If you have eighteen nieces and nephews which of your living female blood relatives themselves has the most living descendants?

Why are you asking me? I think they're asking anyone

In Florida if your husband dies what happens to your property?

If the deed is in JOINT ownership, the survivor gets it automatically. If there is a will, the property goes to whomever it is willed to. If there is no will, the laws of intestacy apply, giving the spouse a share and surviving children a share.

Would great nephews of your great uncle by marriage be considered related to you?

Yes they are in laws

Are adopted children considered descendants?

Yes, they can.

What is a lineal foot?

A lineal foot is is one foot along the ground. A 12" ruler is a lineal foot.