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Q: Are noncollinar planes are rays that do not lie on the same plane rays that do not lie on the same line are noncollinar rays?
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Do rays need to be on the same plane to intersect?

Not necessarily. If two rays are on different planes, but the planes intersect, it is possible that the rays would also intersect, but the plane intersection would have to happen where the rays are located.

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Subsets of a line?

in geometry , a shape consist of a planes, and any plane consist of a connection of planes, and any break down lines, you can then subsets --- line segments and rays by learning about the line and its subsets, you will develop a better understanding ofthe mathematics of Geometryyou can add me as a friend in facebook for more info. :)look for crispin d. vega III thanks

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Which is the correct form plane x-ray or plain x-ray?

Plain x-rays are x-rays that do not demonstrate the planes of bone-on-bone as well as other x-rays such as MRI's.

What has 6 points 1 plane 2 rays 2 line segments and a line?

6 points

How do you draw two rays that are not parallel to each other and never intersects?

that is impossible. if they aren't parrallel, and they're rays they have to intersect at some point. This is because rays spread at both ends. The above answer is only correct if the rays on drawn on the same plane or if they are drawn on convergent (intersecting) planes, so the correct answer is the two rays must be drawn on separate planes that are not convergent, since all non-parallel lines on the same plane, or on convergent planes, will eventually intersect. If they are drawn in 3 dimensions than you can avoid them intersecting. Perhaps the questions is not specific enough?

What must you include on a line when drawing a line on a plane?

U have to include the segments of lines and rays and stuff. Also u have 2 direct it in the method it says to do it in.

Are the three colored rays reversed left-to-right by the plane mirror?

No, the colored rays are not reversed left-to-right by the plane mirror. When light reflects off a plane mirror, the direction of the rays is maintained, and only the orientation of the rays is reversed.

What is the perpendicular to a plane mirror?

The perpendicular to a plane mirror is a line that is at a 90-degree angle to the mirror's surface. It is important for understanding the reflection of light rays off the mirror's surface, as the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection with respect to this perpendicular line.

Coplanar segments definition?

A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane.

What is coplanar in math?

A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.