It really depends on the length of words you're using but generally 1 word is equal to 5 characters. So 5,000 characters would be roughly 1,000 words. Most word processing software has a word count feature which would give you an exact number.
In one way there is no answer, because words are different length. In terms of typing, a word is 5 characters, so it would be 700 words.
Number, add up, come, amount.
not very many...
No, the middle characters are different!
It depends on the length of each word in letters (characters). The average length of a word in a document is 5 letters - shorter words appear more often. -- The answer above contains 125 characters: 119 letters, 1 number, and 5 punctuation marks, for a total of 27 words and 1 number.
This number is completely dependent on the execution of the dialogue, number of characters (typically more characters speak to each other more quickly than fewer characters who don't have to fight to get words in), length of the words, the accent used (Southern accents are not as fast as New York accents), and the general disposition of the group and subject matter.
Each language has its own way to speak and write their words. There are languages like Japanese and Chinese that uses their own characters and read from right to left. Some have the same format as English but uses the same characters but the spelling is different.
There were many characters. You can use a search engine, type in the words "cast of Roots" and you will get all the cast, number of episodes for each.
Because it is much simpler. Words take a lot more characters.
It depends on the length of each word. The number of words does not matter; the limit is the number of total characters, including spaces. The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display can display in a cell, but all 32,767 characters display in the formula bar.
120 lines and 80 characters per line In Microsoft word there is a button that counts the number of words you have made. click on it and you will find: Pages: Words: Characters (no spaces): Characters (with spaces): Paragraphs: Lines:
Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas
It really depends on the length of words you're using but generally 1 word is equal to 5 characters. So 5,000 characters would be roughly 1,000 words. Most word processing software has a word count feature which would give you an exact number.
If you're asking about Chinese Characters, click here.It's not possible to count the words in any language, because there is no universal definition of what a word is. But most estimates place the number between 40,000 and 160,000 words (which is the same range for almost all other languages).Note: English is an exception. It has the largest number of words of any language in the world, estimated at 170,000 to 250,000 words. No language has more words than English.
It depends on the length of each word. The number of words does not matter; the limit is the number of total characters, including spaces. The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display can display in a cell, but all 32,767 characters display in the formula bar.