yes, all odd numbers are whole number
A whole number is any number without fractions; an integer
for example 1,3,5,7,9 are whole numbers
1.356, 3.123, 5.675 these are not whole numbers..
No odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor. 1 and 3 are odd numbers that are factors of 12.
The sum of two whole numbers is odd when one but not both of them is odd.
There are two consecutive odd, whole numbers. The numbers are 39 and 41.
An even whole number.
450 whole numbers.
No odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor. 1 and 3 are odd numbers that are factors of 12.
The sum of the first 10 odd whole numbers is 100.
The first 100 odd whole numbers are: 13579111315171921232527293133353739414345474951535557596163656769717375777981838587899193959799101103105107109111113115117119121123125127129131133135137139141143145147149151153155157159161163165167169171173175177179181183185187189191193195197199.
The sum of two whole numbers is odd when one but not both of them is odd.
All whole numbers have factors.
I guess you mean: what are the whole numbers not divisible by 2? A: The odd numbers.
There are 30 whole numbers that are odd numbers less than 60 which are also positive. Otherwise, there are infinitely many of them.
There are two consecutive odd, whole numbers. The numbers are 39 and 41.
An even whole number.
You can't. Only whole numbers are odd or even.
450 whole numbers.
ODD NUMBERS. If you take two consecutive whole (non zero) numbers then one will be an odd number and the other will be an even number. The sum of an odd number and an even number is always an odd number.