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Q: Are polynomials closed under the operations of subtraction addition and multiplication?
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What is the operations that undo each other?

Inverse Operations: Divison undoes multiplication. Addition undoes subtraction. Subtraction undoes addition. Multiplication undoes division.

What operations are closed for integers?

Addition, subtraction and multiplication.

What are the fundamental operation of math?

the fundamental operations in math are, addition +, subtraction -, division /,and multiplication x ..

How do you make working model of maths on polynomials?

Polynomials are the simplest class of mathematical expressions. The expression is constructed from variables and constants, using only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and non-negative integer exponents.

How would 2 pond 60 be shown on a calculator display?

The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).

Which to operations are done first division or subtraction or multiplacation or addition?

Do (multiplication/division) before you do (addition/subtraction).

What is 4 fundamental operations?

They are: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication

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What are the four operations of arithmetic?

+ - addition _ - subtraction * - multiplication / - division

What is arithmetic?

Arithmetic is the process of applying the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to numbers.

What are the order of operations when dealing with polynomials and imaginary numbers?

The order or operation remains the same as that for ordinary numbers.Brackets or ParenthesesIndex or ExponentDivision and multiplication (left to right)Addition and subtraction (left to right).