Yes, prime numbers are not only whole numbers. Just because you divide a smaller number with a bigger number that really means that all decimal numbers are composite numbers.
say 3-1 was a problem. 3 to the negative 1st power is 1/3 to the first power. any decimal is composite. decimals can go on and on and on......
I hope this helps :)
No because whole numbers that have only two factors are prime numbers
No. Prime numbers are a subset of whole numbers.
5 and 2 are the only prime numbers that end in a 5 or 2. A prime number is by definition only divisible by 1 and itself, and all other whole numbers ending in 5 or 2 are divisible by 5 or 2, respectively. Numbers that are not whole numbers cannot be prime.
You don't. All prime numbers are also whole numbers.
The only prime number in that whole range is 2.
No because whole numbers that have only two factors are prime numbers
Only integers or whole numbers have prime factors.
No, they can't. Prime numbers are whole numbers which have only two factors which are 1 and itself.
The only two consecutive whole numbers that are prime numbers are 2 and 3. Otherwise, every second consecutive whole number in sequence is even, and being multiples of 2, they cannot be prime.
No. Only whole numbers can be prime numbers. 62.2 is a mixed number.
No. Prime numbers are a subset of whole numbers.
5 and 2 are the only prime numbers that end in a 5 or 2. A prime number is by definition only divisible by 1 and itself, and all other whole numbers ending in 5 or 2 are divisible by 5 or 2, respectively. Numbers that are not whole numbers cannot be prime.
You don't. All prime numbers are also whole numbers.
Numbers other than prime prime numbers are composite numbers. Only whole numbers should be considered for prime & composite numbers. However, '1' is an exceptional case because it is neither prime nor composite.
The only prime number in that whole range is 2.
Composite numbers