

Are red heads albinos

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Are red heads albinos
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== == Animals with white fur and red eyes are called albinos. Albinos lack pigmentation in their skin and eyes. They eyes look pink because the lack of pigmentation, what you are seeing the the blood behind their eyes

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Red heads

How much colors are there?

Brown, blue, gray, green, hazel, amber. Albinos have red eyes.

Are albinos born albinos?

Yes. Nearly all albinos have some form of visual impairment.

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How many eye colors are their?

Brown, blue, green, gray, amber, hazel. Albinos have red eyes.

What color eyes can people have?

Brown, blue, green, gray, amber, hazel. Albinos have red eyes.

How many colors are there for your eye?

Blue, brown, hazel, amber, green, gray. Albinos have red eyes.

How much eye colors are there?

Brown, blue, gray, green, hazel, amber. Albinos have red eyes.

What natural color eyes can you have?

Brown, blue, green, hazel, amber, gray. Albinos have red eyes.

Why are albinos white?

Albinos are just natrally white.

Can you have red eyes?

Yes you can get red eyes but it is commanly found in Albinos... I myself am Albino and have too wear eye contacts too cover my eyes..