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Q: Are simple adding machines classified as computers and are they classified as a universal Turing machine?
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How is a sewing machine classified?

Present day sewing machines are complex electrical machines.

A machine is classified as a compound machine if it?

A machine is classified as a compound machine if it is made up of two or more simple machines working together to achieve a desired outcome.

What is the machine?

There are many different things in the world that can be considered a machine. These machines include computers and phones.

What machine is?

There are many different things in the world that can be considered a machine. These machines include computers and phones.

What is machine?

There are many different things in the world that can be considered a machine. These machines include computers and phones.

How many universal binary turing machines are there?

If you mean Turing machine with two colors, then there is infinite number of such machines. There are machines with 43, 18, 5 and 3 states, but trivially we can made machine with more states

Why are computers called automatic machines?

an automatic machine works by it self without human intervention computers are automatic machine

What is the difference between a Turing machine and a universal Turing machine?

A Turing machine is a machine that can perform any possible computation, and emulate any real world computer, except other Turing machines. A Universal Turing machine however, is a theoretical machine that could even emulate Turing Machines. In actuallity they're both the same, since if you fed the tape from a Turing machine into another Turing machine, the second would in essence be emulating the first. Its also useful to note that Turing machines aren't really "machines" per se, but actually models of the process of computation itself.

Is there any possibility that computers work without any programming language?

No. Computers are machines and require machine code to work. Machine code is a programming language. All other languages have to be converted to machine code in order to work.

Are slot machines computers?

Yes they are because I once put a fake 10p in a slot machine and it picked up I did and closed the whole machine down!

Is the opening in a sewing machine table a universal size that will work with all sewing machines?

The opening in a sewing machine table is normally adjustble to accomodate different sies of machines. You should always check the dimesions before ordering when possible.

Computer is which type of machine?

Infact computers re calculating machines any task they perform is a calculation for the given data to them