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Yes, a very small proportion are.

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Q: Are some rational numbers integers Some of the rational numbers are integers?
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Are some integers not rational numbers?

All integers are rational numbers. There are integers with an i behind them that are imaginary numbers. They are not real numbers but they are rational. The square root of 2 is irrational. It is real but irrational.

Are some rational numbers integers?

That's a true statement. Another true statement is: All integers are rational numbers.

What are some rational numbers that are not integers?

1/2, 5/8, and 6/7 are some. Rational numbers are numbers that can be represented as fractions, so there are practically unlimited numbers of them.

Some rational numbers can be irrational numbers?

No, rational number are ones that can be written as a/b where a and b are integers. Irrational numbers are those real number that are NOT rational.

If a number is rational is it an integer?

No. While every integer is a rational number (a/b), some rational numbers are fractions, not integers.

What are some rational numbers?

All integers and fractions are rational numbers whereas an irrational number can't be expressed as an integer or a fraction.

Are negative numbers rational numbers?

Some rational numbers are negative numbers. Rational numbers are those numbers that can be expressed as one integer over another integer, ie of the form p/q where p & q are both integers. For example: 1/3, 5/8, 36/5, -27/58

Rational numbers who square roots are whole numbers?

Every integer is a rational number, and some integers are perfect squares. These are the only rational numbers to have an integral square root.

Can some integers be irrational numbers?

No, an integer n can be expressed as a ratio: n/1. It is, therefore, rational.

Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers are called?

They are called irrational numbers; numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of integers are called rational numbers. Some common irrational numbers are pi (3.14159...) and the square root of two.

What number systems include the square root of 49?

Integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions are some systems. Counting numbers is not a valid answer.

Is 0 a rational number?

Zero is a rational number. Rational numbers are numbers that can be represented by the division of two integers. Zero is zero divided by anything besides zero, so zero is rational.