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Only if the integer is a perfect square.

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Q: Are square roots of positive integers rational?
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Are the square roots of all positive integers irrational If not give an example of the square root of a number that is a rational number?

The square root of any positive square number is always rational as for example the square root of 36 is 6 which is a rational number.

What are the integers between 0 and 100 whose positive square roots are integers?

What are the integers between 0 and 100 whose positive square roots are integers?

What is a data set with both rational and irrational numbers?

The set comprised of the square roots of the positive integers between 1 and 20 is.

Are uneven square roots rational or irrational why?

They are rational because the characteristic of evenness and unevenness is relevant only in the context of integers. And all integers are rational.

Is the square root of 170 a rational number?

No. The only square roots of integers that are rational numbers only when the integer is a perfect square.

What is A number whose square roots are integers or quotients of integers?

They are squares of rational numbers. there is no particular name for them.

Are all square roots rational?

No. A number will have a rational square root, only if both the numerator and denominator of the simplified fraction are squares of integers.

Every positive rational number and its negative pair?

Every positive rational number and its negative are the two square roots of the same positive rational number.

Rational numbers who square roots are whole numbers?

Every integer is a rational number, and some integers are perfect squares. These are the only rational numbers to have an integral square root.

What number does the number -1 belongs?

Integers, odd integers, negative integers, odd negative integers, rational numbers, negative rational numbers, real numbers, negative real numbers, square roots of 1, etc.

Are all square roots rational numbers?

No, not all square roots are rational numbers. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are integers and the denominator is not zero. Square roots that are perfect squares, such as √4 or √9, are rational numbers because they can be expressed as whole numbers. However, square roots of non-perfect squares, such as √2 or √3, are irrational numbers because they cannot be expressed as a simple fraction.

How are square roots and rational and irrational numbers related?

A rational number is one that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, p/q where q > 0. In decimal form, it has a terminating or recurring representation.An rational number is a number than cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. In decimal form, it has a infinitely long, non-recurring representation.A square root can be either rational or irrational or neither.Examples:The square roots of 4 are -2 and +2, both rational.The square roots of 2.25 are -1.5 and +1.5, both rational.The square roots of 2 are -1.41421... and +1.41421, both irrational.The square roots of -2 are -1.41421...*i and +1.41421*i, both imaginary.