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Yes it is a square is a regular quadrilateral because it is not a unknown shape

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That is an interesting reason - but wrong. A square is the only quadrilateral whose sides are all equal and whose angles are all equal. Both sides and angles must be equal for a polygon to be termed regular.

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Q: Are squares regular quadrilaterals
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Are all squares similar to quadrilaterals?

All squares are quadrilaterals. Not all quadrilaterals are squares.

How do you describe squares?

A square is a rectangle in which all side lengths are the same.

Do quadrilaterals have squares?

Yes, because all quadrilaterals have 4 sides which includes squares

What is a square that is not a quadrilateral?

All squares are quadrilaterals. All quadrilaterals are not squares. There is no square that is not a quadrilateral.

Are some trapeszoids squares?

trapezoids are trapezoids and squares are squares but all are quadrilaterals.

Why are all squares quadrilaterals?

because they have four sides, which is the definition of quadrilateral

Are all quadrilaterals also squares?

No. A quadrilateral is any four-sided figure. The sides do not have to be of equal length, and the angles do not have to be right angles. So, all squares are quadrilaterals because they have four sides), but not all quadrilaterals are squares.

Why are squares and quadrilaterals the same?

Actually they are not.

What quadrilaterals are not trapezoids?

squares and rectangles

Are quadrilaterals squares?

I believe that quadrilaterals are shapes with 4 sides. Such as a rectangle or a square.

What are quadrilaterals that aren't rectangles?

Squares, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids are quadrilaterals that are not rectangles.

Are some squares and rectangles not quadrilaterals?

All squares and rectangles are quadrilaterals. The of quadrilateral is a four sided figure. A square has four congruent sides, hence all squares are quadrilaterals. A rectangle is a four sided rhombus, so it is also a quadrilateral.