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Q: Are strikes the best solutions to solve problems?
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Difference between heuristic solutions and algorithmic solutions?

An Algorithmic solution is a solution that involves a series of actions/steps. For example, baking a cake. A Heuristic solution is a solution that requires knowledge, experience, and sometimes trial and error. For example, buying the best stock. While some problems require only one type of solution, most problems require a combination of the two different types of solutions.

What are the 7 steps in problem solving?

1) Finding the right problem to solve - Too often our approach to problem solving is reactive; we wait for the problems to arise. Firstly in our seven step problem solving process, we advocate taking a proactive approach, go and find problems to solve; important and valuable problems. The real starting point then for any problem solving process is to find the right problem to solve. 2) Defining the problem - It is very tempting to gloss over this step and move to analysis and solutions. However, like the first step, it is one of the secrets of effective problem solving. Combining problems that are valuable to solve, with defining exactly what you are trying to solve, can dramatically improve the effectiveness of the problem solving process. The secret to defining the problem is really about attitude. Try to see every problem as an opportunity. 3) Analyzing the problem - Analysis is a process of discovery of the facts, finding out what you know about the situation. The problem solving activity question checklist leads you through a set of questions to identify the nature of the problem and to analyze what it is and what it isn't. One of the most important aspects of analyzing any situation is involving the right people. 4) Developing possibilities - The previous steps will have already revealed plenty of possibilities for solving the problem and realizing the opportunities. At this stage it is important to give time and space for creative solutions. Placing a high value on the ideas of others is a crucial leadership concept and facilitator skill when generating ideas to solve problems. 5) Selecting the best solution - There will be constraints restricting what you can do, issues about whether solutions fit within what is currently done, and various stakeholders views to consider. Solutions therefore need to be evaluated. 6) Implementing - Carefully defined the problem and the desired outcome, analyzed the problem at length, collected every available item of information about it, explored all possible avenues, and generated every conceivable option & chosen the best alternative after considerable deliberation. 7) Evaluating and learning - It would be all too easy to forget them in rushing to solve the next problem, or to implement the solution. You should evaluate at least two areas: 1) How you carried out the seven step problem solving process 2) The effectiveness of the solution you implemented. Did it deliver the outcomes you expected? - You should also ask what you are now able to do, or what you could do next, now that you have improved things by solving the problem. What further opportunities can you now realize that you weren't able to before?

How do you solve problems in a team?

the interviewer wants to hear a specific answer how you worked on a team effectively. refer to a previous situation and give a STAR example. Situation, Task, Action and Result. this is the best way to show exactly HOW you solved a problem.

Tell me about a situation where you have solve difficult problem?

It is best to answer this from your own experience.

How do you solve 2b equals 10?

I'm going to solve [ 2b = 10 ] for you, but I'm not going to do it in the best way.The best way is for you to make a date with your teacher to sit down and reviewsome of this stuff, so that you know how to do it.The way I'm going to do it, you'll have the solution to [ 2b = 10 ], but there will bethree problems with it:-- Nobody needs that information.-- You won't learn anything.-- If you need to solve [ 3d = 15 ] tomorrow, you'll be just as clueless as you are today.Here's the solution, and the method of finding it:1). Write down the equation :2b = 102). Divide each side of the equation by 2 :b = 5

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I think that a revolution is not a best way of solve a problem praying is the best solution.

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The manager should be communicate with ordinary people how to solve such problem.In addition to this the steps manager should take to solve such problem is as the follows; 1.identify and specify problems. 2.collect data. alternative solutions. the best solutions that fits the problem. 5.implement selected solutions. 6.evaluate result.

Will the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths help me to solve the problems easily?

Yes the NCERT solutions will surely help you to solve the class 10th Mathematics questions and for the reference you can check the entancei website as they have the very simple and best answers to every questions.

What best describe technology?

The creative use of science to solve problems. It is any tool or technique which is used to find or improve solutions to problems, or performs some function that brings change or improvement to life.It has been said that the meaning of the word 'technology' itself has undergone changes significantly over the last 200 years. Today it is mostly associated with electrical, electronic, and computer devices.

Why do some managers believe in silver bullet to solve all problems?

Managers believe in silver bullet to solve all problems , because a straightforward solution deals best with any managerial problems . There is an immediate effect if the "silver bullet" approach is adopted to solve company problems.

What is the systematic approach to Army problem solving?

official defining a problem, developing possible solutions to solve the problem, arriving to the best solution to solve the problem, and implementing it

Can science solve all problems?

To some extent it depends on what you mean by "solve" and "problem", but the answer is no in any case. 1. If by "solve" you mean solve analytically (i.e., come up with a formula that gives the solution) and by "problem" you mean a problem of something as simple as predicting the orbits of the bodies that make up the solar system, then there is a mathematical proof that no solution exists. 2. If by "problem" you mean the problems important to society like war, famine, global climate change, how to live a satisfying and happy life, and by "solve" you mean that scientists working alone can arrange by themselves for these problems to disappear,, then the answer is no. In some limited cases, like global climate change, scientists can suggest possible solutions, but unless the vast majority of the people help implement the suggested solutions, no solution will be accomplished. And science has almost nothing to say about values, ethics. the best form of government, etc. So, no. Science (and certainly not scientists alone) can not solve all problems.

What best describes the purpose of the engineering design process?

to solve problems and advance society

What are the Anticipated problems and solutions thaat will occur once the best alternative has been selected?


What do you have to break to use?

I don't recommend breaking anything. It's always best to find constructive and positive ways to solve problems or achieve your goals. If you're facing challenges, seek help or guidance to overcome them without resorting to destructive solutions.