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i dont think so

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Q: Are the any websites that solve analogies for you?
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Are the any websites that solve English analogies for you?


Are there any websites that you can enter a spanish cryptogram in and solve it?

No there arent

Where could one find a list of analogies?

You can find lists of analogies in books about writing, grammar, or rhetoric. Additionally, educational websites and resources often feature collections of analogies for different purposes such as education or entertainment.

Can analogies be used in any style of writing?


Not all analogies are arguments by analogy Other analogies include?

Explanatory analogies Rhetorical analogies Both A and B

Do you do analogies?

Yes, we do analogies.

Analogies with jaunt excursion resignation?

Resignation analogies

Analogies for idleness in 21st century?

If he moved any faster, we would call him sequoia.

How do you solve Puzzle 2182008 on Neopets?

Sorry, but you are not allowed to use Question/Answer websites such as WikiAnswers to solve Neopets puzzles.

What is the purpose of analogies in problem solving?

An analogy is a comparison between two unlike things using a shared characteristic. The purpose of analogies is to solve problems by making it easier to understand and approach the problem by showing how it is similar to a common, familiar or less complex situation.

What is the analogies for mad is to angry as creek is to?

What is the analogies for mad is to angry as creek is to? Stream

What are some analogies for the plot of a story?

You'll have to come up with your own analogies. Writing a bunch of random analogies down on the internet isn't going to help your story at all. You have to have analogies that actually have something to do with your own characters, setting, and plot.