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Q: Are the medians of an obtuse angle the same length?
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What are the 6 possible groups of triangles?

Right triangle= has a right angle Acute triangle= has an acute angle Obtuse triangle= has an obtuse angle Equilateral triangle= all sides are the same length Scalene triangle= has no sides the same length Isosceles triangle= has only two sides the same length the triangles here make perfict dildose and condoms

Is a obtuse angle the same as a angle?

No. An obtuse angle is only one of several types of angles.

What is the angle between medians of an equilateral triangle at centriod?

The angle between any two medians, in the same context is 120 degrees. The angle in the opposite context is 60 degrees.

What is atriangle with 1 obtuse angle?

An OBTUSE Triangle. Names for other types of triangle. Equilateral [ all angles 60 degrees and all sides the me length). Isosceles ; Two angles are equa; and two sides the same length Obtuse ; one angle between 9 degrees and 180 degrees. Right-Angles ; One right angle. Scalene ; three angles unequal and three sides unequal length.

What is the measurement of every obtuse angle?

It depends on the angle not all obtuse angles measure the same. To measure an angle you use a protractor.

Can a triangle be both isosceles and obtuse?

these are two different terms, isosceles means a triangle with two sides the same length, and hence two angles the same length. obtuse means there is at least one angle that is greater than 90 degrees. since two of the angle have to be the same, you know that only one such angle can exist, so is with any triangle anyway. just try to imagine a triangle with two sides the same length with one angle larger than 90 degrees. yup it's possible

How is a right angle the same as a obtuse angle?

It is not and so the question makes no sense!

Angles which have the same shape and size are said to be this?

Obtuse angle

Is an isosceles obtuse triangle possible?

Yes it is possible. Obtuse means the triangle contains an angle which is greater than 90 degrees, and isosceles means the triangle has two sides of the same length. So to prove this in the easiest way possible, you can make a dot on your page, measure 91 or more degrees and draw two equal length lines out at this angle, then connect these two lines to make an obtuse isosceles triangle.

Does a square have 2 acute or 2 obtuse angles?

Squares have only four right angles. Also, all of their sides are the same length. So if a square had an obtuse or an acute angle, it really wouldn't be a square at all. - Girl_Pad01998

How do you bisect an obtuse angle?

In the same way that you bisect an acute triangle. Alternatively, you could extend one of the rays of the obtuse angle so that you have an acute angle. Bisect that angle and then draw a perpendicular to the bisector of the acute angle through the vertex.

Can an equilateral triangle also be obtuse?

No if one angle is obtuse then they can't all be obtuse