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As the shape is regular all sides are equal in length (and congruent).

An octagon has 8 sides. As this is an even number of sides, the opposite sides are parallel.

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Q: Are the opposite sides of a regular octagon congruent and parallel?
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Are the adjacent sides of a regular octagon parallel and congruent?

No. It is the opposite sides of a regular octagon that are parallel and congruent.

What is a flat closed surface that has congruent and parallel opposite sides?

That could be numerous polygons: a square, a regular hexagon, a regular octagon, a regular dodecagon ... Any regular polygon with an even number of sides could be your answer.

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No, a regular octagon has 8 congruent sides

How many congruent sides do a octagon have?

8 if it's a regular octagon

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A regular octagon has four pairs of parallel lines.

How many parallel sides does a regular octagon have?

A regular octagon has four pairs of parallel sides.

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Any even-sided, regular shape will have opposite sides parallel. A square, hexagon, octagon and decagon are just four examples !

Is a octagon a regular or irregular shape?

if it has all congruent sides, then it is regular

Does a octagon have to have two pairs of parallel sides?

It depends on the actual shape of that octagon. It CAN have two pairs of parallel sides. A regular octagon has 4 pairs of parallel sides.

How much parallel angles does a octagon have?

If you mean parallel sides then a regular 8 sided octagon has 4 pairs of parallel sides

A polygon with opposite sides parallel and congruent?

There is no particular name. It need not be a regular polygon - for example, consider a stretched hexagon.

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