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No, the pyramids in Egypt have 5 sides(including the bottom); a tetrahedron has 4.

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Q: Are the pyramids of Egypt the same shape as a tetrahedron?
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Is cylinder a pyramid?

No, they are quite different shapes. A cylinder is the same shape as a tin can, a pyramid is the same shape as the pyramids in Egypt.

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What 3d shape has 4 faces with all faces the same shape?

A regular tetrahedron (triangular pyramid).

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tetrahedron aka triangular pyramid

Where are the Great Pyramids locates?

On the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. (The Sphinx in located within the same area)The Great Pyramids located in Giza

What other shape has the same base as a triangular prism?

A regular tetrahedron. octahedron, dodecahedron.

How does Egypt today relate to ancient Egypt?

life today in Egypt is a life of luxury all the way from the pyramids to anciet pharohs life today in Egypt is a life of luxury all the way from the pyramids to anciet pharohs

What 3-d shape is all triangles and all the same faces?

A tetrahedron, an octahedron or an icosahedron,

What shape would a molecule with four atom surrounding a central atom have?

A tetrahedron.

How are pyramids used now?

They are used as a tourist attraction. The insides are kept the way they were found and people come to see the same pyramid that was in ancient Egypt.

How many vertices does a pyramid have?

Vertices in a PyramidA tetrahedron is the simplest pyramid. It has four vertices and four faces.A pyramid, the same general shape as monumental structures in Egypt, with a square base and four triangular faces meeting at an apex has 5 vertices.However, a pyramid can have any polygon as its base. A pyramid with an n-sided polygon as base would have n+1 vertices.So a twelve sided pyramid would have 13 vertices I think there are 4......* * * * *One more than the number of vertices (corners) on the base. A triangular pyramid has 3+1 = 4 vertices, a rectangular pyramid has 4+1 = 5 and so on.It depends. There are different kinds of pyramids, with different amounts of vertices (the plural for vertex). There are square pyramids, with square bases, triangle pyramids, with triangular bases, hexagon pyramids, octagon pyramids, pentagon pyramids... here are a few answers, though: Square pyramids have five vertices. Triangle pyramids have four. Hexagon pyramids have seven, octagon pyramids have nine, pentagon pyramids have six.6

Why is a tetrahedron a platonic solid?

Because a tetrahedron is a triangular based pyramid that has 4 identical faces and 4 faces meet at all the vertices.