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Kilometers per hour. England invented the imperial measurement system (pounds and inches). However, they a mixture of that and metric today.

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Q: Are the speed limits in England posted in mph or kilometers per hour?
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What do posted speed limits tell you?

Posted speed limits tell you what the maximum speed is on that specific road. That is the speed that you are legally able to drive on the road.

Which expressway does not have speed limits?

Parts of the German Autobahn do not have posted speed limits.

Why are speed limits posted?

For safety.

Are Roads built for safety and speed limits are determined by the conditions of the road on which they are posted?

Roads are built for safety and speed limits are determined by the conditions of the road on which they are posted.

What are The four major speed laws?

The four major speed laws typically refer to the laws that regulate speed limits on roadways. These include statutory speed limits set by laws, prima facie speed limits that allow flexibility based on conditions, fixed or regulatory speed limits posted on signs, and basic speed laws that require drivers to always operate at a safe speed regardless of posted limits.

When may you drive at posted speed limits in mississippi?


What is the travel time from eugene or. to Sacramento ca. observing and adhere to posted speed limits?

The distance is ~475 miles. Allow 8 or 9 hours for the trip if running at posted speed limits.

What are the maximum posted speed limits on the freeway in Utah?

75 mph

What speed were the interstates designed for?

Most interstate highways were designed for the posted speed limits on those interstates.

What is the laws for Speed?

It is posted on all roadways - and if not, in order to get your license you are responsible to know what the prevailing speed limits are in your state. Obey them!

Is it safe to drive sedan at hilly roads?

Yes, just follow posted speed limits.

Can you get a ticket for going 60 mph in a 75 mph in AZ?

Yes, in Arizona, exceeding the posted speed limit can result in a ticket regardless of how fast you are going compared to the limit. It is important to always follow the posted speed limits to avoid any potential fines or penalties.