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No - in the four hours that have elapsed, they will have moved 60 degrees across the sky.

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Q: Are the stars visible at 7 pm still at 11 pm in their original position?
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Are the stars still visible in their original position?

yes, the stars are still visible in the original position

Are the stars visible 7 pm still visible at 11 pm in their original position why do you see so?

Yes, relative to more distant stars, their position will not have changed. See should be changed to stay in the question.

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Some stonework is still visible.

How do stars shine on the cloudy nights?

Stars shine by emitting light due to the process of nuclear fusion in their cores. Clouds in the sky do not block this light, allowing stars to still be visible on cloudy nights. The light from stars is able to penetrate through the clouds and reach our eyes, making them visible even when clouds are present.

Why do the constellations seem to move as the seasons change?

As the Earth goes around the sun, it changes its position relative to the stars in those constellations. At times, some stars won't be visible as they will be behind the sun. This change in perspective isn't enough to make it appear as if they stars have taken a radically new position. They still seem to be just where they always have been. That's why the stars of each constellation stay in the shape of the constellation and instead it seems as though the whole constellation moves. Really, it's just us that are moving.

How do shooting stars travel so fast if there is no gravity?

Although shooting stars are not affected by the Earth's gravity, they are still pulled by other planets and stars. All of the shooting stars visible on Earth orbit the sun, just like the earth itself.

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Rumors are that the original stars might reprise their roles, but that is still yet to be confirmed

Why stars are only seen at night?

Whether during the day or the night, stars are still there in the sky. It is that in daylight, it is impossible to see the stars and the moon due to the glare from the sky. Only during the darkness of night does stars and the moon becomes visible to the human eyes.

Is Orion a single star or a group of stars?

Technically, neither. "Orion" is a name for a specific patch of sky which contains a few bright stars, a rather larger of dim-but-still-visible stars, and millions upon millions of stars that are so far away that they are invisibly dim.

How many stars does the confederate flag have?

The first official Confederate flag only contained seven stars. These seven stars represented the seven original Confederate States. In 1863, the second Confederate flag contained thirteen stars. These stars represented the seven original States plus the six States that seceded. Two of these six were unsuccessful but were still included.

Is there a possible way to find out how many stars there are?

No - part of the problem is that the radiation from some stars comes so far that you don't know if that star still exists (some don't). You can estimate the number of presently visible stars, but to actually know is impossible.

Some stars might no longer be in existence but you still see them in the night sky why?

Stars that are no longer in existence, or dead stars, may be still visible in the night sky depending on how far away the star was from earth. Light takes time to travel, so if a star is 50 billion lightyears away from earth, and it died 25 billion years ago, due to the amount of time it takes for the light to reach our eyes, the star's light will still be visible for another 25 billion years.