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No. They mean entirely different things.

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Q: Are the words variable and proportional interchangeable?
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What is indirectly proportional?

"indirectly proportional" appears to be interchangeable with "inversely proportional."When a dependent variable is inversely proportional to an independent variable, that means it decreases as the dependent one increases, and vice versa. For example, a baseball player's batting average is inversely proportional to the number of at-bats. (It's directly proportional to the number of hits he gets.) In other words, as the number of at-bats increases, the player's batting average decreases. Another example is gravitational attraction between two bodies. The gravitational force between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What is the difference of directly proportional and inverse proportional?

In a directly proportional relationship, as one variable increases, the other variable also increases at a constant rate. In an inverse proportional relationship, as one variable increases, the other variable decreases at a constant rate.

How can you decide whether a relationship is linear by studying the words used to describe a variable?

Words such as "proportional to" "increases as" "decreases as", usually give an indication of a linear relation. If there are words like "Square" "power" "inversely proportional" then most likely not linear.

How do you find the value of a variable of a proportional ratio?

Cross multiply then solve for the variable.

What variable is directly proportional to frequency?


How can you tell if one variable is directly proportional to another variable?

Two variables are directly proportional to each other if they increase or decrease together at a constant rate. In other words, if you plot the relationship between the two variables on a graph and the points lie on a straight line passing through the origin, then they are directly proportional. Mathematically, this can be expressed as y = kx, where k is a constant.

How can you tell if one variable is inversely proportional to another variable?

if one goes up as the other goes down (or vice versa) they are inversely proportional

Example of inverse proportion?

Example of inverse proportion is: Density = Mass/Volume Because the formula represents that the density is directly proportional to the mass while density is inversely proportional to volume. Remember that inversely proportional means that if variable A increases, the variable B decreases, and if variable B increases, the variable A decreases.

Which variable is directly proportional to frequency?

The variable that is directly proportional to frequency is the pitch of a sound wave. This means that as frequency increases, pitch also increases.

A straight line on a graph means there is a what relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?

Proportional. linear

What does the independent variable effect when it you changed?

Depends on the experiment - there may be no relationship. Typically proportional, inversly proportional, proportional to the log and similar are given in set experiments at schools. So a staight line going up and straingt line going down or a curve of some sort when drawn as a line graph.

What does it mean to say that two varies are directly proportional?

When two variables are directly proportional, it means that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases at a constant rate. In mathematical terms, this relationship can be expressed as y = kx, where y is one variable, x is the other variable, and k is a constant value.