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Yes. If your data source is deleted or moved, your spreadsheet or database application will have no data to display.

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Q: Are there any disadvantages to having data linked?
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Are there any disadvantages to having data linked in excel?

Yes. If your data source is deleted or moved, you spreadsheet will have no data to display.

How is data and information linked?

Data is facts and figures, whereas information includes any factual statement.

How do you sort linked data in excel?

You are able to sort linked data within any Excel document. If an error does occur check each columns formula so there Is agreement.

What are the disadvantages of marine insurance?

There are really not many disadvantages of having marine insurance or any other insurance. One of the disadvantages could be the price.

Is duplicated data is accepted in linked list?

Yes definitely, a linked list can accept duplicate data. As the data of each node does not have any concern with data of other node. The node differs from each other in their addresses. Until user does not make the linked list to accept unique data, the linked list can accept duplicates. if unsorted (e.g. representig a queue): yes if sorted (e.g. representing a set): should be decided design-time

What is hypermedia database?

Hypermedia DB is an approach to data management that organized data as a network of nodes linked in any pattern the user specifies.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of RTGS?

There are a few advantages and disadvantages of the RTGS system. One of disadvantages are the gross system been at risk of gridlock from not having enough money. The advantage is having the savings in money to support any payment transaction.

Why does word say there is a file linked when opened?

A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.A file can be linked to another file. For Mail Merging, you can link to another document for the source data. You could have a Word document with data in it from an Excel file or n Access file, which may need to automatically update itself. It could also be linked to other files. If any of these situations are true, then it will alert you to this when you open the document.

What are disadvantage of marine insurance?

There are really not many disadvantages of having marine insurance or any other insurance. One of the disadvantages could be the price.

Streaming Data?

Streaming Data is any type of data that can be read without having to open and close the input like a regular data file.

What is the disasvantages of using RAM?

There isn't any disadvantages, RAM is actually a necesary componet to a computer system. Although there is disadvantages to having not enough RAM installed on a system

When you link to data in a worksheet the data appears as a table in the Access database but is it maintained in its original form in Excel?

The data will be in its original form, but any changes in the data will be reflected in the Excel document, as will changing the Excel document affect the Access table. It is the same data when it is linked, not copied.