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yes there are but no body no wehere are they now we talk and the benedring iam sorry for may bad writing because iam a iranian i live in ahwaz but iam thinking there are real benders in china or Japan because the avatar cartoon its about china and the world there are real benders but the hideing from as we cant know the true and the answer its there are this is m email ok -

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Q: Are there any real benders in the world?
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Are shadowbenders real?

possibly. the fact that earth, air, fire and water benders are real then shadow benders might be out there.

Are there any real element benders in the world?

No, there are no real element benders in the world as seen in fictional TV shows or movies like "Avatar: The Last Airbender." The ability to manipulate the elements (earth, air, fire, water) is purely a creative concept and not a skill that exists in reality.

When did Benders end?

Benders ended in 1985.

When was Benders created?

Benders was created in 1983.

When was The Mind Benders created?

The Mind Benders was created in 1971.

When was The Halo Benders created?

The Halo Benders was created in 1993.

What is the ISBN of Time Benders?

The ISBN of Time Benders is 0440412145.

What are benders usually used for?

There are many types of benders. The most widely use are pipe benders, which are used as a bending tool. You can also get string benders which are an addon for guitars, to bend strings.

How do you be a air bender?

In the show, it's genetic. If both parents are Airbenders, their children will all be Airbenders. If one is a Bender, but the other isn't, the kids could be non-benders or benders. If you mean in real life, it's impossible.

Is there real fire benders like on the last avatar?

no, i don't think so because avatar is a fictional movie.

How many pages does The Mind Benders have?

The Mind Benders has 188 pages.

How many pages does Time Benders have?

Time Benders has 96 pages.