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Q: Are there any special symbols used in cryptography?
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How is cryptography used?

Cryptography is basically the process of hiding information in order to protect the sensitive information, data or message from unknown attacks for any reasons. Cryptography actually consists of two terms encryption and decryption. The process in which message is ciphered or encrypted is known as encryption and the process in which message is deciphered at recipients end is known as decryption. And this whole process is known as cryptography. Public keys and private keys are used in the process of cryptography. Cryptography can be seen as symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric cryptography same key is used for both encryption and decryption while in asymmetric different keys are used for both encryption and decryption. Today Cryptography is used in various fields like ATM, e-banking, IT security, Maths etc.

How many different symbols for numbers are there?

There is no specific number of symbols that can be used. You can use any letter of any alphabet.

What is alpha numeric characters?

Alphanumeric characters means any combination of letters and digits. Sometimes other special symbols are allowed, too - so alphanumeric may sometimes be understood to mean a combination of just about any type of symbols.

What does alpha numeric mean on an application?

It means that in some place of the application any type of symbol is accepted - letters, numbers, spaces, special symbols.

What is the term for any one of the ten symbols 0123456789 used to write numbers?

They are called decimal digits.

Related questions

How is cryptography used?

Cryptography is basically the process of hiding information in order to protect the sensitive information, data or message from unknown attacks for any reasons. Cryptography actually consists of two terms encryption and decryption. The process in which message is ciphered or encrypted is known as encryption and the process in which message is deciphered at recipients end is known as decryption. And this whole process is known as cryptography. Public keys and private keys are used in the process of cryptography. Cryptography can be seen as symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric cryptography same key is used for both encryption and decryption while in asymmetric different keys are used for both encryption and decryption. Today Cryptography is used in various fields like ATM, e-banking, IT security, Maths etc.

How many different symbols for numbers are there?

There is no specific number of symbols that can be used. You can use any letter of any alphabet.

What is the impact of cryptography?

One might need cryptography in any situation which warrants privacy or secrecy to protect data, trade secrets, or embarrassing situations. Examples include business transactions, ecommerce, extramarital affairs, political campaigns, and government actions.

What are applications of cryptography?

Cryptography is used for securing transmission of messages, protection of data, and to provide privacy and security in any situation where information is not intended for public consumption. Examples include political campaign plans, extramarital affairs, coverups, ecommerce, business transactions, and private communications.

What is the special symbol allowed in a variable name?

Any letter of the Greek or Roman alphabet, or any other alphabet can be used to represent a variable. There are also non-alpha symbols, for example for the Dirac constant (or reduced Planck constant).

Are there any specific symbols used in the Jehovah's Witness religion?

No. The Bible forbids any type of idolatry, which is the use of idols, symbols, or icons in worship, so Jehovah's Witnesses understand that to mean that we are not use any kind of symbols or images in our worship.

What is the role of cryptography in information security?

While the term security arises the cryptography or cryptology always comes at the top of the list on the topic of security of any system, device and whatever else. The technique of transforming and storing information or in the ease of communication between two parties cryptography helps to connect, store and transform with security.

What is alpha numeric characters?

Alphanumeric characters means any combination of letters and digits. Sometimes other special symbols are allowed, too - so alphanumeric may sometimes be understood to mean a combination of just about any type of symbols.

What do these symbols mean MOCCXXVI on a dollar bill?

The symbols MOCCXXVI on a dollar bill likely represent the roman numerals for 1126. However, they do not hold any special significance or value on a dollar bill.

Are there any special symbols or shapes that used on pyramids?

Yes, often there were inscription on the outside of pyramids that talked about the accomplishments of the pharaohs who built them. Also, inside the pyramids there were pictures on the walls that told stories. These pictures were called hieroglyphics.

What is symmetric cryptography?

There are two general types of modern cryptography; symmetric cryptography and asymetric (also known as public key) cryptography. Symetric crypto is where both sides have the same shared encryption key, and that key is used to both encrypt and also decrypt any encrypted information. Symmetric crypto is more efficient (faster) than asymmetric crypto, but asymetric crypto works without having to share a key.

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