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there are 53 types of wasps.

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Q: Are there different kinds of wasps and if so what do they look like?
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What is the habitat for wasps?

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What are the wasps behavior?

It depends on the type of Wasp. Altho they can sting, and hurt like heck, they are really beneficial insects. They scavage small animals that have died, like mice, or birds. Which helps in the ecology of a forest, or even a backyard. I have seen two wasps eat a dead mouse in two days. Wasps that make paper nests fly to an unpainted wood fence or chair, and scrape tiny shreds of the wood, which they bring back to the nest. They also drink water , which they use to wet the wood, to build the nest. If you leave them alone, they don't usually bother you. The wasps are different from the hornets, which are really the ones to watch out for! There are also wasps called "solitary wasps", that hunt for caterpillars, paralyse them with a sting, bring to a small hole in the ground, or tree, then the wasp lays an egg on the paralysed bug. When the egg hatches, the baby wasp gets to eat the caterpillar. This also is very ecological, as the wasps usually lay eggs on insect larva that eat many of our commercial crops. Some greenhouses actually have tiny wasps in the greenhouse to use as natural pest control. There are many different kinds of wasps, check the library, there are many books on wasps, bees, and hornets to look at, read and get information from.

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