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Yes, there are many.

The most common are the vertical bars, with each bar representing a different category and the height of each bar representing some measure for that category. A simple alternative is to turn the chart on its side so that the bars are horizontal.

One variation of the basic bar chart is the clustered bars, where each bar is replaced by a cluster of bars. Each cluster representing a category (as before) and each bar within the cluster representing a sub-category. Instead of being side-by-side the clustered bars can be arranged one of top of another so that you have a stacked bar graph. The vertical axis can then be modified to show percentages rather than the actual levels.

A variant of the horizontal bar graph is the back-to-back horizontal bar graph. This is used when each horizontal category is divided into two subcategories which you may wish to compare. Such charts are typically used for population pyramids - to illustrate the population of a country by age (in groups and gender. From bottom to top would be age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14 and so on. Horizontal bars for males on one side and females on the other.

These are just some of the variations. There are very many more.

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The 3 types of graphs used in science?

The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.

What types of bar graphs are there?

pie graph, bar graph, and line graph.

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A bar graph is used to show different totals in different categories.

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A bar graph would be best to compare the nutrients in two different types of bread.

Which graph is best suited for comparing the sales of two different types of toys sold at a toy store?

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How a bar graph is different form a chart?

a bar graph is a graph and a chart is a chart

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A bar graph would be best suited for comparing the sales of two different types of toys at a toy store. It allows for a direct visual comparison of sales figures between the two types of toys.

What is a triple bar graph?

a triple bar graph is where you show thrree different things by different colors.go to google and type triple bar graph for a picture.