the left hand bit in each term specifies its sign n called sign bit so if it s negative it *0* on left bit and vice versa...maddy
There's at least one of each.
None. The sum of any two odds must be even. The sum of any two evens must be evens so the sum of any number of evens must be even. So the sum of 6 odds = sum of 3 pairs of evens = ie sum of 3 evens even + even + even = even 13 is odd and the sum of 6 odds is even so there is no way that one can be made the same as the other.
evens are 2,4,6,8,10's odds are everything between!
It all depends on what you do with the information that you note. If you count up the number of odds [or evens] in the five rolls, your sample space is {0,1,2,3,4,5} with size 6. If you look for whether you had more odds than evens your sample space is {Y,N}, with size 2. If you subtract the number of even outcomes from the number of odd outcomes, your sample space is {-5,-4,,...,4,5} which is of size 11.
Odds or Evens was created in 1991.
the odds against evens
There's at least one of each.
you're an idiot
-Opposites of evens. -odds can also mean the chances of something happening.
In any range of numbers, the number of evens and odds can never be different by more than 1 . If you include the 572 and the 592, then that range includes 11 evens and 10 odds.
None. The sum of any two odds must be even. The sum of any two evens must be evens so the sum of any number of evens must be even. So the sum of 6 odds = sum of 3 pairs of evens = ie sum of 3 evens even + even + even = even 13 is odd and the sum of 6 odds is even so there is no way that one can be made the same as the other.
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