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Yes to a limited extent as for example S = 1/2

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Q: Are there fractions in the roman number system?
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How would you write 5.11 in roman numeral?

The Roman Numeral system did not incorporate fractions.

Did Fractions The Greek Number System?

No it did not

Can fractions be changed into decimals using roman numerals if so how?

No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.

What is the different between Mayan number system and roman number system?

The Mayan number system is vigesimal (based on twenties)The Roman number system is decimal (based on tens)

What are Roman Numeral fractions symbol S?

There is no specific symbol for Roman numeral fractions. The Romans did use fractions but they expressed them as a whole number followed by a fraction sign (usually "1/2", "1/4", or "1/8") placed after the whole number. For example, "II 1/2" would represent the number 2 and a half.

What is the name of the Roman number system?

Roman Numerals

Which numbers can not be written in roman numerals?

The roman numerals don't have a way to write 0, negative numbers, or fractions.

What is the Roman Numeral of 105.688.8?

There is no equivalent Roman numerals because the Romans didn't have a decimal place system although they used fractions to a limited extent

When was roman number system form?

The Roman numeral system was formed by the ancient Etruscans.

What is -0.567 on the number system?

In the number system , there are decimal numbers, fractions,rational numbers , irrational numbers , negative and positive numbers.-0.567 on the number system is negative number.

What number is missing from the roman number system?

They have no zero.

Which number is not written in roman number?

It is zero because it's not needed in the Roman numeral system.