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yes or the population would never grow

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Q: Are there more births than deaths?
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More deaths than births are called?

bloody hell there is!

How is population growth measured?

It is calculated by using the Death rate and Birth rate to give an estimated population growth statistic. If there are more deaths than births there is a decline, and if there are more births than deaths then there is a population increase.

Has there been more deaths than been born?

Assuming that your question is "Have there been more deaths than births" let's just think about it for a minute. In order to die one has to have been born. So, how could there possibly be more deaths than births? This, of course, is ignoring the question "When does life begin?' and the impossible calculation of abortions and stillbirths.

Are there more births or more deaths in an average day?

more deaths jhonny

What does the population do when the number of births is greater than the number of deaths?

It increases.

Why is Indonesia populated?

Because their Birth Rate is higher than their Death Rate, so for every death their are more births. Birth rate 17.76 births/1000 population, 6.28 deaths/1,000 population.

Why is the planet over populating?

Because there are more births than deaths. At some point - don't know when - something will happen to cause at least as many, if not more, deaths than births, and the population will either stay the same or decrease. Large scale wars can influence this, as can famine and disease. Of course, people may leave the Eartyh and go to other celestial bodies in due course.

How birthrates and death rates influence the size of a population?

Simple mathematics. If there are more births than deaths, the population will increase. If the reverse is true, the population decreases.

When the number of births plus immigration exceeds the number of deaths plus emigration will population size increase?

Yes. If there are more "coming" than there are "going" then the numbers increase.

What is the percent of infants deaths in Mexico?

14.7 deaths by 1000 live births.

What is natural increase based on?

births and deaths

What is the infant mortality rate in Venezuela?

total: 22.02 deaths/1,000 live births male: 25.61 deaths/1,000 live births female: 18.26 deaths/1,000 live births (2008 est.) SO?URCE: