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There are more deficient numbers.

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Q: Are there more deficient numbers than abundant and perfect numbers?
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Do you think there more perfect than deficient or abundant numbers?

The answer will depend on where "there" is.

Is 50 a perfect abundant or deficient?

Just use the basic definition of "abundant" and "deficient". That is, calculate all the factors of 50 (excluding 50 itself), add them up, then compare whether the result is more or less than 50.

Is 70 a abunant or deficient or perfect?

If the sum of all a number's factors (apart from itself) is equal to the original number, then the number is perfect. If this sum is less than the number, it is deficient. If the sum is more than the number, it is abundant. The factors of 70 are: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 35 and 70. 1+2+5+7+10+14+35 = 74. Thus the number 70 is abundant.

Can you describe a number by both the number of its factors and the kinds of its factors?

There are more than just prime and composite, there are 3 other types which you can describe a number by the kind of factors. They are abundant number, deficient number, and perfect number. An abundant number is a number which if its factors were all added up , the sum would be greater than the number itself. A deficient number is a number in which if all its factors were added up the sum would be less than the number itself. A perfect number is in which a numbers factors are added up and the sum will be the same number as the number itself. Example of abundant number: 12 because these are its factors, 1+2+3+4+6 which equals 16 and 16 is greater than 12. Example of a deficient number: 15 because 15's factors are 1+3+5 which equals 9 and 9 is less than 15. Example of a perfect number: 6 because 6's factors are 1+2+3 which equals 6 and 6 is the same as 6

What is pattern in abundant numbers?

Every sixth number for 12 and more will be an abundant number

What is a number whose proper factors total more than the number called?

Fifth grade homework is tough...the answer is abundant. Proper factors that total less than the number is deficient and proper factors that equal the number are perfect. Signed CMT of Bourne Middle School.

Are there more mersenne primes known as there are perfect numbers?

There is a one-to-one relationship between even perfect numbers and Mersenne primes. It is unknown whether there are any odd perfect numbers.

Numbers that are squares of integers are called?

Square numbers * * * * * Although "perfect square numbers" is more descriptive.

What are the first 20 perfect numbers?

149162536496481100121144169196225256289324361400------------The above numbers are squares not perfect numbers. A perfect number n is one that is equal to the proper divisors of n. Here are the first few:628496812833550336858986905613743869132823058430081399521282658455991569831744654692615953842176191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216I don't know if more of them are known. For more information see

What are the perfect numbers in order?

The first perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128.More information here: first perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128.More information here: first perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128.More information here: first perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128.More information here:

Is 20 a perfect number?

No it is not. The closest perfect number to it is 28. The divisors of 20 are 1,2,4,5,10 those add up to more than 20 so 20 is an abundant number.

What if a number not a perfect square?

It does not matter! There are more numbers that are not perfect squares than there are perfect squares and the universe has not ground to a screeching halt!