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There are more righties than lefties. About 80% are righties.

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Q: Are there more leftys or rightys?
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Who is better in sports leftys or rightys?

Leftys are WAY BETTER people always say leftys do every thing better

Are leftys more creative then rightys?

No, all creativity comes from inside a person no one just because they are left handed doesn't mean they are more creative than rightys

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As a softball player myself, my friend plays first. But, leftys can really play any position. first is most common.

Is Michael Vick left handed?

Yes. Tim Tebow is left-handed. I have a picture of him signing autographs with his left hand. Leftys Rock!!! (I'm a lefty, too:)

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righty lefty, lefty righty ooooooooooooooooo some are right hand others are left but we are all the same no matter how you treat us oooooooooooooooo righty lefty, lefty righty As we save the children we are helping all with painted hands we will help all! Lexie........................ Allie........................ the founders of this greatness! so raise your hands! whether your a righty or lefty righty lefty, lefty righty so raise your hands in the air for the righty lefty, lefty rightys!!!!!!!!!!!bum bum be dump booooo!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you throw a change up?

When you scuff the ball correctly the ball will move opposite of the wholes Slider: If Your Righty Grip the Holes Facing Right and if Lefty Holes face left aim at the butt or knees of the right handed batter if right or left handed batter if lefty... throw it low so you don't lose control and keep your body closed while throwing Riser: Holes Face Down (Righty or Lefty) You Can throw it 3 ways Side Arm: When you aim at the ground with the holes facing the batter so it rises up 3/4 Angle (I Suggest): Throw like a slider but hammar it down Sumbmarine: Throw it Submarine and you'll get a Screwball that Rises Drop: Holes Face Up (Righty or Lefty) You Can throw it 3 ways Normal Drop: Side Arm and it will drop straight down Drop Curve: Submarine Arm Angle make the wholes face behind you and it will curve Drop Screw: Throw it between sidearm and 3/4 and you'll get a screwball that tends to drop a lot more Screwball: holes Face Left If Righty Holes Face Right if Lefty Throw it Straight over the top and throw it across your moves the opposite of a slider so you gotta open up your hips (Throw Across your body) If Righty Aim At Leftys head If Lefty Arim at Rightys Head Good Luck

How many natural red heads are left handed?

There is no specific data available to determine the exact number of natural redheads who are left-handed. These two characteristics are inherited independently, so there is no direct correlation between being a natural redhead and being left-handed.

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more, more, more how do you like it ,how do you like it , more, more more

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