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Unfortunately, there is no myths or paranormal found in driver parallel lines.

Just to tell you I'm trying too find out myths for this game also checked forums and

everything but nothing came up for myths.

Well not really a myth but at the airport in queens their is a worker standing just looking at a box and when I moved the box he did not move. Even when I shot around him.

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i bdfkjhsd

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No,you can drive a bus,but you can go into the bus.

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It is rated T for the wii and M for The ps2.

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not on the ps2 but im not sure about xbox

Is driver parallel lines compatible with xbox 360?

Nope, I wish it was but for me at least it did not work.

Where do you get the tank on driver parallel lines?

Use the code CARSHOW. It'll appear in you garage under "Commercial".

How do you unlock the 2006 era on driver parallel lines?

You need to beat the Ransom mission in 1976 era.