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Q: Are there other Q and A websites that allow you to post questions without signing up for them besides wiki.answers?
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What did each side favor?

They revolt against Britain because the signing of declaration of independence. those who supported it would be consider traitors. Colonist who chose to side with the Britain were know as the loyalists, loyalists often were called Tories.

X axis y axis?

The x-axis is the horizontal number line that, together with the y-axis, forms the coordinate plane.The y-axis is the vertical number line that, together with the x-axis, forms the coordinate plane.Thank you for your time-Vertigo1234554321 signing out

Where are the four parts of the sign where?

There are many sign languages around the world.There are three primary types in the United states alone. The answer below is ASL (i.e American sign Language, or Ameslan), which is the broadest form of sign languages in the United States of America.The four parts of a sign in American Sign Language (ASL or Ameslan) include handshape, signing area, hand movement and palm position. If any of these change, so does the meaning of the sign.1. Handshape: A handshape is the configuration of the hand during a particular sign. For example, many handshapes correspond with manual letters (initilized classifiers) and numbers (numerical classifiers). But not all signs have a directly relatable handhape as a classifier, but rely more on one or several of the other three parts of the sign to direct the meaning. A sign with the same location, movement and palm position can actually mean different things, depending on the handshape. For example, motioning your hand in a circular, palm-in position over your chest area can mean "please" (with an open palm handshape) or "sorry" (with an "a" or "S" handshape).2. Signing area: The same sign can also mean different things depending on its location. (for example, the sign for "Mother" is identical to the sign for "Father" except that the signing area for "Mother" is at (or on) the chin area, and the sign for "Father" is located at (or on) the forehead. With few exceptions, the signing area itself is generally an imaginary rectangle that is slightly extended from shoulder-width and extends from slightly above the top of the head to just below the waist. Most signs are made in the area just below the face, head and neck. This area is considered "neutral" space in ASL.3. & 4. (3.)Movement (aka Sign-Motion) and (4.) Palm position (aka Palm Orientation): A sign can mean one thing if the hand is still, and another if it's moved in a certain way. The same goes for which way the palm is facing (in toward yourself, out toward the other person, sideways, up or down etc.).So the four parts to the ASL sign for "where" are as follows:1. Handhape: "One" {DOMINANT PART}2. Signing Area: Variable or Neutral Space3. Movement: Wiggle, left and right repeatedly. {DOMINANT PART}4. Palm Position: Variable (but never backward}, or Palm Foreward (facing away from the signer.)Note: That all signs have four parts. But also note that all signs have at least one of these parts that absolutely cannot be changed, or the meaning changes. For example for this sign changing the motion {#3} may change the sign to mean "up, him or her, his, or her, or it." This means that all signs have at least one dominant part within the four part system. I enbolded the terms you would probably find in an ASL description in an academeic ASL book.

Difference between speculation and hedging strategies?

Both can be explained with reference to signing a futures contract to deliver or buy a commodity at a future date. Hedging refers to locking in a future price for the commodity in order to minimize risk. It is a form of diversification, since typically the signer does not hedge with all of the product that he or she wants to buy or sell. Speculation, on the other hand, refers to agreeing to a futures contract in order to profit by taking risks. Since not all of the speculator's portfolio may not be at risk, this activity can involve diversification.

Once the paperwork has been signed on a new vehicle if it is discovered that the agreed upon sale price was changed from 24600 to 26400 is there any recourse in Texas?

If you have your original copy of the finance papers showing the correct number then yes. Write a letter to the finance company and the dealer providing copies of the documents and if they dont correct it sue them in small claims court. A verbal agreement is hard to prove and if you did not catch the error before signing the papers I dont think much will come out of any attempt you make to correct it.

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Why can't I improve an answer without an account on WikiAnswers?

Signing up for an account allows you to use more advanced features on WikiAnswers. You can't edit questions without signing up for an account because WikiAnswers wants you to sign up and contribute to WikiAnswers. Think of not signing up as a demo version of WikiAnswers - you can use some of the features of WikiAnswers, just to get a feel for WikiAnswers, and we give you just enough so you can figure out how everything works on WikiAnswers. Signing up for your account gives you all the standard features on WikiAnswers that you didn't get in your 'demo' version of WikiAnswers. The standard features include editing, while the demo version does not. Signing up for WikiAnswers is completely free, so signing up for WikiAnswers will allow you to edit questions. The other main reason is because of vandalism. 90% of vandalism occurs from unregistered users on WikiAnswers, so giving unregistered users the power to edit a question could potentially give them the power to wipe out every answer on WikiAnswers. That is why you must sign up for an account to edit.

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Can eight year olds sign up on WikiAnswers?

well no 2 many people complain about their kids signing up for either myspace,face book and twitter.So eight year olds cannot up for myspace,twitter and face book and besides if you are signing up for myspace, the myspace people who created it are trying to get kids off there.

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Which websites can you comment on without signing in?

I don't think they have a website like that.