No. The first consists of the number 1267343 whereas the second set consists of a different number.
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
The product of the same two numbers, is the number's square.
No. Prime numbers are a subset of whole numbers.
The median of that would be any of the two numbers that are the same.
No. The first consists of the number 1267343 whereas the second set consists of a different number.
Since not all the digits are the same, the number are not the same, either.
It is a number set with only one distinct element in it.
they are the same because they both have whole numbers
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
Only if the magnitudes of two numbers are the same.
The set of rational numbers includes the set of natural numbers but they are not the same. All natural numbers are rational, not all rational numbers are natural.
No, they are not.
The product of the same two numbers, is the number's square.
No. Prime numbers are a subset of whole numbers.