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Yes. They are the ATTRIBUTES of the projectile points.

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Q: Are total length axial length maximum width basal width maximum thickness midsection thickness proximal shoulder angle notch opening and neck width examples of projectile points?
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The wedding band is typically placed on what phalanx of what digit?

The wedding band is typically placed on the phalanx of the fourth proximal digit of the left hand. This digit is most commonly known as the ring finger.

Why are cells spherical instead of cubical if a cube has a larger surface area to volume ratio than a sphere does?

The cells of the body have different sizes, shapes and surface area to volume ratios depending on their function, that is, their structure/function relationships. For example, lung alveolar cells are flat or squamous cells that optimize surface area to volume ratio for gas exchange between blood and the atmosphere; neurons have long tubular axons that increase surface area/volume ratio; cuboidal skin cells of the basal layer are cube shaped and optimally shaped for blood gas and nutrient exchange as well as for their function of adherence and skin replicative function; kidney proximal convoluted tubule cells are cuboid, but extend their membrane surface area for maximal reuptake of blood nutrients by the extension of microvilli on the luminal side of the proximal convoluted tuble. Red blood cells are biconcave discs that, thereby, increase surface area for gas exchange. White blood cells are pretty spherical indicating a requirement for maximizing volume, at the expense of surface area, for antibody production or bacterial destruction etc. . Skeletal muscle cells are long and spindle shaped and often fuse together with other muscle cells in development in order to span the distance across a joint, for example. But you are correct in stating that a cube would have greater surface area to volume ratio than a sphere as a function of length of side or radius (in the case of a sphere).

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Is the ankle is proximal to the foot?

Proximal, anything closer to midsection in proximal (closer) than distal (distant).

Is the toes proximal to ankle?

ANSWER: YesTo quote my textbook, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (2nd Edition) by Donald C. Rizzo: "Proximal means nearest the point of attachment or origin. Example: the elbow is proximal to the wrist, the knee is proximal to the ankle. Distal mean away from the point of attachment or origin. Example: the wrist is distal to the elbow, the ankle is distal to the knee."

Examples of proximal and distal?

the thigh is proximal(closer) to the foot; moving proximally from the wrist brings you close brings you to the elbox. the fingers are distal(farther from the attachment point) to the wrist. hpethat helps good luck :)

What is the proximal direction of the body?

Proximal means closer to the origin of the limb, so the knee is proximal to the ankle, and the wrist is proximal to the thumb.

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proximal ?

Is the knee proximal or superior to the foot?

The knee is proximal to the foot because it is closer to the body's midline, whereas superior refers to a higher position in the body.

Differentiate between proximal and distal parenting?

proximal parenting

What are the long hand bones proximal to the phalanges?

The long hand bones proximal to the phalanges are the metacarpals. They articulate with the carpals of the wrist at one end and the phalanges of the fingers at the other end. There are five metacarpal bones in each hand.

The proximal end of the forearm refers to?

The olecranon is known as the proximal end of the forearm. The proximal end of the forearm refers to the olecranon.

Is the elbow proximal or distal to your fingers?

The hand is distal, because your hand is drawing away from your body. Proximal means closer to the body.Example: The elbow is distal to the chest. The elbow is proximal to the hand. The hand is distal to the chest and the elbow.

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