

Are triangles dangerous

Updated: 9/29/2022
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11y ago

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there are now.... one is coming out right now- thats me..... and im very good at tracking by the way

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11y ago
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Q: Are triangles dangerous
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Yes all equilateral triangles are acute triangles, but not all acute triangle are equilateral triangles.

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Are Triangles equilateral triangles?

Triangles are equilateral triangles only when all of their 3 sides are equal in lengths.

Are all triangles semmetrical?

No. But all isosceles triangles and equilateral triangles are.

Can planes be triangles in geometry?

Well...... Actually, planes would be considered triangles in geometry because triangles are triangles.

Do all triangles have right angles?

No. Only right triangles do, and not all triangles can be right triangles. Equilateral triangles, for example, are always 60°-60°-60°. Isosceles and scalene triangles can be right triangles; all isosceles triangles have the additional useful property of being able to be split into two right triangles.