From what I have been told twins are hereditary through the female line.
No, suicide may not be hereditary, but depression can be, which could be the cause as to why your relative may have lost their life.
Ferternal twins don't look alike, but twins do
The fact that twins run in families is actually a myth. The odds of twins having twins is the same as a non-twin having twins. That is about 1 in 33.
Mirror Twins are always monozygote twins. This does not mean that fraternal twins won't be a righty and a lefty - if your family tends to run left handed.
Another name for fraternal twins is dizygotic twins.
Yes particularly if your first set of twins are fraternal (aka non-identical twins) as these are the type of twins that are said to have a hereditary connection.
Identical twins would show more concordance for a chiefly hereditary trait compared to fraternal twins or siblings, as they share all of their genetic material. This higher genetic similarity increases the likelihood of both twins expressing the trait if it is primarily influenced by genetics.
I'm not sure on the actual percentages. It firstly depends on if your father is an identical or non-identical twin. (Maternal or fraternal) Non-identical (fraternal) twins are the hereditary type, not the identical ones. Identical twins are simply a hiccup with the cell division during fetal growth, whereas non-identical twins are due to the hereditary tendency of the woman releasing more than one egg at a time. The gene for non-identical twins is directly passed from fathers to daughters, and the chance of having twins usually skips a generation too (like baldness in men!). So, if your father is a twin (a non-identical twin) and you are his daughter, it's possible that you may also have twins, but it's far more likely that your daughter will. My father is a twin (his brother died at birth and it's not known if he was maternal or fraternal unfortunately) and I only have 1 child (a daughter). She has a very high chance of having twins if dad was fraternal.
Is is an infection that is hereditary
Syphilis is not hereditary.
Oh yes it does! I never dreamt I would become pregnant with twins. There are no twins in my side of the family. None that I know of. However, at my baby shower, I found out from my boyfriend's family that there were at least 4 sets of twins in his family; his grandmother had twins, his grand aunt had 2 sets of twins and his cousin had twins. It's amazing how science doesn't know everything because my high school friend had fraternal twins and when she found out I was having identical twins she told me that that wasn't hereditary, but obviously it is after learning my boyfriend's family's history.
No it isn't hereditary, it either has to be through a shag or blood transfusion.AIDS is not hereditary.
I can give you several sentences.That is a hereditary trait.He has a hereditary illness.Her family's hereditary home is in London.
Twin studies compare the behavior of identical twins (who share 100% of their DNA) with fraternal twins (who share 50%). If identical twins are more similar in behavior than fraternal twins, it suggests a genetic influence. Adoption studies compare the behavior of adopted individuals with their biological and adoptive families. If adopted individuals are more similar to their biological relatives, it suggests a genetic influence, whereas if they are more similar to their adoptive families, it suggests an environmental influence.
no albinism is a hereditary.