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Q: Are virus smaller than ribosomes
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Is a eukaryote smaller than a virus?

no virus is smaller than virus.

Are ribosomes bigger than mitochondrions?

Mitochondria are larger than ribosomes.70s ribosomes can be seen inside the mitochondria.So ribosomes are much smaller

Is ribosomes prokaryotic cell?

Ribosomes in prokaryotes are smaller than the ones found in eukaryotes.

Can virus have ribosomes?

Virus do not have. They do not have any organells

Are ribosomes present in bacteria?

True. The ribosomes are where polypeptides are assembled from amino acids. Bacterial (prokaryotic) ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ones.

Is bacteria bigger than a virus?

No, a virus is much smaller than bacteria.

Do virus have an amoeba?

Not intentionally, for when they do - the virus eats them.

Can you see virus with the naked eye?

No, viruses are too small to be seen with the naked eye. They can only be seen under a microscope.

Is virus are much smaller then bacteria?

Yes, viruses are smaller than bacteria.

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Is tobacco mosaic virus smaller than a bacterium?

no almost nothing is smaller than bacterium

Is the HIV smaller than Hepatitis virus?

No. It is larger by 2x.