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This is the rule: it should be small enough to be quickly loaded on a variety of internet connections. Dial-up is still alive and there are many, many folks who still use this. This doesn't just mean the size of the web page file itself; but is inclusive of that file plus every file that is embedded into the page. Images, flash applications and animations, graphics, JavaScript applications, are the usual additions. You should save video, music, and other relatively large embed files as an option for those with broadband Internet because those with dial-up will be highly frustrated with your pages.

Many WYSIWYG editors actually provide an ETA (estimated time of arrival) for webpages including the file and all added sources to show the load time for each bandwidth available. You will want to keep this number at least less than 30 seconds for dial-up users, but even better if you can keep this number less than 10 seconds. You can extend usability for dial-up users by designing your site outside of the above listed sources. In other words, your website should still look good and be completely usable with minimalloaded graphics. Then, you can add special stuff as "additional content" rather than as your main content.

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