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Q: As industrialization created a greater and greater surplus in the US people began to emphasize the?
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Surplus farming is not a landform. A surplus is a quantity greater than required, it is possible to have a surplus from any fertile ground.

When was Cognitive Surplus created?

Cognitive Surplus was created in 2010.

When was The Surplus created?

The Surplus was created on 2008-12-04.

When was Surplus Property Board created?

Surplus Property Board was created in 1944.

What is the connection in the pattern of modernity between industrialization and consumerism?

Industrialization led to mass production, which in turn created a surplus of goods that needed to be sold. This drove the rise of consumerism as people were encouraged to buy more products to fuel economic growth. As industrialization advanced, consumer culture became more ingrained in society, shaping modern lifestyles and values.

When was Federal Surplus Relief Corporation created?

Federal Surplus Relief Corporation was created in 1933.

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What is the opposite of Deficit?

The opposite of a deficit is a surplus. A deficit occurs when a country's expenses are greater than their revenues. A surplus is the opposite.

What were at least four of the factors that contributed to industrialization in Britain?

There were several factors that led to the industrialization of Britain. The major factors were the rise in population, the availability of iron ore, water power, coal surplus and transportation on the rivers.

What do you call an amount greater than what is need?

it's called a "surplus"

What happens as societies generate a greater material surplus?

develop a ruling elite

Why is a current account surplus equivalent to foreign investment?

A country where income is greater than spending, has saving greater than investment, and a current account surplus. The excess of income over spending must be balanced by foreign investment, so there will be a financial account deficit to match the current account surplus.