As of today, Feb 19 2010 there are 22 more days until March 13th 2010.
Assuming the current date of March 23, 2010, there are 16 days until April 8, 2010, including today.
If you were born March 8 1949 until today Feb 19 2010 you would be 22,263 days old.
573 days.
Just August: Friday August 13th 2010.
As today is 3rd January, 2010 there are another 69 days to go until March 13th.
As today is December 5, 2010 there are 98 days until March 13, 2011.
As today is January 27, 2010 there are 61 days until March 29, 2010.
Given today's date of August 17, 2010, there are 88 days between today and November 13, 2010.
13th march 2010
As today is January 11, 2010 there are 51 days until March 3, 2010.
As today is 3rd January, 2010 there are another 76 days until March 20th.
As today is the 3rd January, 2010, there are another 63 days until March 7th, 2010.
From October 20, 2009 (today), there are 131 days until the next March 1 (in 2010).
118 days until March 12th 2011, from today Nov 14 2010.
As of today, the 13th of September 2009, it is 138 days away.
As of today - 7 January 2010 - there are 83 days to go until March 31.