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Q: Ask us statement is true about noticing the color of other people's skin?
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Which statement is true about noticing the color of other people's skin?

It is something that all Americans are trained to do.

Which statement is true about noticing the color of other people’s skin?

It is something that all Americans are trained to do.

Noticing the color of other people's skin is done by?

all of the above

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A relationship is only as strong as the two peoples love for each other

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Because its how life works. It is due to our genes.

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hummmm.... you have powers that let you color some one's hair

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Links are indicated by a blue color. Other than that, they can be anything, including underlined statements.

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blue is most peoples favorite color. Roughly, four out of ten people like the color blue best. the other six is all the other colors

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They will have been Olive skinned; similar to present day Egyptians and other Arabic peoples

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wen men hit puberty

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it's a genetic thing from your parents. Well not everyone have the same parents so they will have eyes from their parents.

When was Other Peoples Music created?

Other Peoples Music was created on 2003-10-03.