## temp.a ask user for temperature in Celsius,
## convert to Fahrenheit, print the result.
## v0 - reads in celsius
## t0 - holds Fahrenheit result
## a0 - points to output strings
# #
# text segment #
# #
.globl __start
la $a0,prompt # print prompt on terminal
li $v0,4
li $v0,5 # syscall 5 reads an integer
mul $t0,$v0,9 # to convert,multiply by 9,
div $t0,$t0,5 # divide by 5,then
add $t0,$t0,32 # add 32
la $a0,ans1 # print string before result
li $v0,4
move $a0,$t0 # print result
li $v0,1
la $a0,endl # system call to print
li $v0,4 # out a newline
li $v0,10
syscall # au revoir...
# #
# data segment #
# #
prompt: .asciiz "Enter temperature (Celsius): "
ans1: .asciiz "The temperature in Fahrenheit is "
endl: .asciiz "\n"
## end of file temp.a
Assuming you mean Fahrenheit, the answer is 95.9 degrees F.
convert any given Celsius to Fahrenheit: (Celsius * 1.8) + 32 = Fahrenheit so (41 * 1.8) + 32 = 105.8 Fahrenheit
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit - Multiply the Celsius value by 1.8 THEN add 32 To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius - Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit value THEN Divide by 1.8
41 Fahrenheit
95.36 Fahrenheit
An Assembler converts assembly language instructions into machine language.
assembly language uses abbreviation called menmonics.it is a bit easier to write computer programs in assembly language as compared to machine language but still requires skill and experienci.A program called assembler is used to convert an assembly language into machine language.
Assemblers are used to convert a specific assembly language into bytecode.
Assemblers are used to convert a specific assembly language into bytecode.
Why would you want to do that? The usual procedure is to translate a high-level language such as Pascal to machine language. If you really want assembly language - perhaps to see how the Pascal compiler does its work - then presumably you can use a disassembler to convert the machine language (the executable file) into assembly language.
No, they are not the same. Assembly language uses mnemonic words to REPRESENT machine language; to be able to actually run it, a special program - a so-called assembler - then needs to convert it into machine language.
Assembly language does not use a traditional translator; instead, it uses an assembler to convert its mnemonics into machine code. The assembler translates the assembly instructions into binary code that the computer's CPU can understand and execute.
1B base 16 = 27 base10
pass 1 assembler is assembler which convert assembly level language into machine level language in one pass only
Assuming you mean Fahrenheit, the answer is 95.9 degrees F.