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Q: At all levels of life when related parts interact to form a whole they form an?
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At all levels of life when related parts interact to form a whole they form a?


Group of related parts that interact to form a whole?

This is known as a system, where individual parts work together to achieve a common purpose or function. Systems can be found in various contexts, such as biology, engineering, and social sciences. The interactions among the parts are critical for the system to function effectively.

What is a group of different parts that interact to form a whole?

A System

A group of related objects is called what?

a what is defined as an organized group of related objects or components that interact to create a whole ?

How is a numerator related to a factor?

They are both parts of a larger whole.

Which type of graph shows how parts of a data set are related to the whole and to each other?

A graph that shows proportions of different parts (of a whole) is a Pie chart.

How are fractions and decimals closely related?

They are two methods of defining part or parts of a whole.

How could biology class be considered a system?

Biology class can be considered a system in terms of its interrelated components, such as teachers, students, curriculum, assessments, and learning environments, all working together to achieve the common goal of educating students about biological concepts and processes. Additionally, feedback loops exist within the system when students provide input to teachers, who then adjust their teaching methods accordingly, leading to continuous improvement. The system may also interact with external factors, such as technology, educational policies, and societal influences, which can impact how it functions.

Which sciencific term is used to describe a set of related or connected parts or ideas that work together as a whole?


How are the multiples and sub-multiples of kg related?

They are related as they are parts of the same measurement unit: They are either whole kilograms or fractions of a kilogram, or both, as in 12kg 23gm.

What are the equal parts of the whole?

parts of the whole are fractions.

What does the sum of the parts equal the whole?

The concept of "the sum of the parts equals the whole" refers to the idea that when individual parts are added together, they collectively make up the total or complete entity. This concept is often used in systems theory and is applied in various fields such as philosophy, psychology, and business to understand how the components of a system interact to create the whole.