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100 ft

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Q: At how many feet can a driver pass another vehicle in a tunnel?
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How many feet from a tunnel can you pass another vehicle?


When a driver is towing a vehicle and following another vehicle being towed or a three-axle truck how many feet must the driver stay at least behind that vehicle?

300 feet

A driver must dim his high beam headlights when following another vehicle within how many feet?

A quarter mile. If not correct answer - change the law. California law states - Your high beams have to be dimmed within 300 feet of following another driver and within 500 feet of an oncoming driver.

What is the longest continuous underwater vehicle tunnel in North America?

The Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel is in New York City and at 9,117 feet (2,779 m) is the longest underwater tunnel in North America.

The driver of a commercial motor vehicle must stop within how many feet of railroad tracks?

The driver of a commercial motor vehicle must stop within how many feet of railroad tracks?

When following another vehicle at night how many feets must you dim your headlights by?

Think of it this way, when you see a vehicle. more then likely it sees you, so try to lower the high beams as soon you realize another vehicle is infront of you. The law in Oregon is 350 feet.

When you tow another vehicle the draw bar between the vehicle?

15 feet

When approaching another vehicle from the rear at night within how many feet must you dim your bright headlights?

If you are a courteous driver, you will dim them when you see their tail lights. No one likes bright lights in their mirrors, reflecting into their eyes.

About how many feet will the average driver going 50 mph travel from the moment he sees danger until his vehicle comes to a halt?

about 220 feet

How many feet should low beam headlights be used when following another vehicle?

300 feet

With how many feet of an oncoming vehicle must you dim your bright headlights?

It perfectly depends on where you live or drive. You should dim your headlights right when you see another vehicle in front of you or right when you see the lights of another vehicle. It doesn't matter if you are seeing the tail lamp (both of you are traveling in the same direction), you should dim the lights or else it is going to make difficulties for the driver in front.

When following another vehicle you should adjust your headlight at a distance of what?

200 Feet