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It goes to show that Matryona is strong hearted.

I disagree a little. It does show that she is strong hearted, but the question was about the political point the author intended. Here its important to view Matryona as the "soul of Russia" that the main character in the story was searching for. From this, Matryona is that which no village can stand without, aka the soul of Russia is that which no village (or country/government) can stand without. In the story, Solzhenitsyn described a world where the soul of Russia was almost gone, but he found it in Russia. The political point is that the new Soviet Union was destroying the "soul of Russia" and like the proverb said, would eventually fail without it.

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Q: At the end of ' Matryona's Home Vysokoe Polye describes Matryona as the righteous one without whom as the proverb says no village can stand What political point does Solzhenitsyn intend by this?
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