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On a flat plane in a vacuum--exactly 45 degrees. Several changes are necessary in the real world. to account for Earth curvature and air resistance and other factors. What this angle is can't be stated without knowing all the variables. One often overlooked factor is that a projectile actually follows an elliptical path, not a parabolic one. Ballistics tables are very complex and were one of the first tasks taken over by computers.

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Q: At what angle from horizontal should a weapon be fired to achieve maximum distance traveled by the projectile?
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What is the angle for maxium altitude?

A baseball, cannonball, or other projectile launched at a 45° angle above the horizon will achieve maximum horizontal range. A projectile launched straight up will achieve maximum altitude, but you kind of have to watch it and be careful when it returns.

How to achieve reflex angle in pipe bending?

Rotate the pipe 180 degrees along a horizontal axis. Or look at the pipe from the other side. An angle that was not reflex will become reflex and conversely.

What does clock mean?

The term clocking is a present participle meaning to attain or register (a specified time, distance, or speed). The term can also mean to achieve a victory.

What is Line of Collimation in Levelling?

it is line set out by the optical axis of the instrument ( level). so it is just an imaginary line that describes the ray of light that allowes us to read different values from the leveling staff. this term arose from the fact that in differential leveling in surveying we must construct horizontal line of sight, but due to collimation error the collimation line (i.e. line of sight) will not be 100% horizontal (by horizontal we mean tangent the level surface at the instrument position), instead it will be slightly deviated. so what we are looking to achieve when we eliminate the collimation error (using the 2 peg test) is a horizontal line of collimation.

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal fit in line with Strategic human resource management?

Strategic HRM centers on the process of planned human resource usage and activities intended to help the firm, achieve its objectives and goals. Usually two types of congruence would help achieve this. First is a vertical fit categorizing the alignment of HRM practices and the strategic management processes of the firm. Vertical fit is managed by directing human resources toward the primary initiatives of the organization. Vertical fit is the main idea of HRS, and is linked to a contingency based approach and hence creating an overall fit of the various management strategies (including HRS) in the long term goal. The second congruence – horizontal fit Implies hand-shaking among the various HRM practices. Horizontal fit is achieved by efficiently allocating the resources. The horizontal fit is bothered as to how the processes and activities planned by the HR department and their management of the resources available to them, are applied within the organization and complements the vertical fit. The whole idea is to empower the organization to achieve a “Fit” stature but being “flexible” enough to be able to manage the dynamic and complex environment. The contingency approach to HRM strategies, with ‘fundamentally hard’ practices will enable an organization to achieve a ‘vertical fit’, which integrates strategic human resource management “toward the primary initiatives of the organization”. However, the application of the above strategy cannot be successful without consulting, understanding and often inclusion of the other HR practices and theories such as the universalistic approach or theory, soft types of Human Resource strategy, and effective horizontal fit. In fact, these are very much part of the HR practices and activities that help built the outcome HR strategies target to achieve.

Related questions

At what angle from a horizontal should a weapon be fired to achieve minimum distance traveled by the projectile?

The weapon should be fired at a 45-degree angle from the horizontal to achieve the minimum distance traveled by the projectile. This angle maximizes the range (horizontal distance) of the projectile by balancing the vertical and horizontal components of its velocity. At any other angle, the total distance traveled would be greater.

What angle a projectile thrown to achieve maximum horizontal distance traveled?

A trajectory of 45 degrees elevation gives the longest horizontal travel- (not taking air drag into consideration nor any aerodynamic properties of a projectile.

What angle a projectile thrown to achieve maximum vertically distance traveled?


What is the angle for maxium altitude?

A baseball, cannonball, or other projectile launched at a 45° angle above the horizon will achieve maximum horizontal range. A projectile launched straight up will achieve maximum altitude, but you kind of have to watch it and be careful when it returns.

Is the distance of a certain mass when launched by a catapult affeted by potential energy and the angle in the catapult?

To achieve the most distance, you should set your catapult to release a projectile at 45 degrees angle relative to horizontal plane.Higher stored potential energy doesn't neccesarily mean more distance. Distance of the shot depends mainly on starting velocity, which in turn depends on rate at which catapult transfers the energy to the projectile. A limit for that depends on construction of the catapult.

How do you improve projectile motion?

To improve projectile motion, you can adjust the initial velocity, launch angle, or launch height of the projectile. By optimizing these parameters, you can achieve greater distance, height, or accuracy in the motion of the projectile. Additionally, reducing air resistance and wind can also help improve the overall projectile motion.

How can you throw a projectile so that it has nonzero speed at the top of trajectory?

To achieve nonzero speed at the top of the trajectory, you should throw the projectile upward with an initial velocity greater than zero. This will allow the projectile to continue moving upward even at the top of its trajectory before it begins to fall back down due to gravity.

Will a ball thrown almost horizontally go the furthest?

No, a ball thrown at an angle of around 45 degrees will typically go the furthest. This launch angle combines vertical and horizontal components of velocity to achieve the maximum range. A ball thrown almost horizontally will have a lower trajectory and be affected more by air resistance, causing it to have a shorter range.

In this vLab you used a complex machine to launch a projectile with the ultimate goal of hitting a target. Assume you built a really big machine that could launch the projectile a and ldquosignificant?

Building a larger machine to launch a projectile significantly farther requires considering factors like increased power for propulsion, longer barrel for acceleration, and precise aiming mechanisms to hit the target accurately. It's crucial to maintain structural integrity and balance in such a complex machine to ensure successful long-distance launches. Testing, simulations, and fine-tuning are essential to achieve the desired results with a larger-scale projectile launcher.

What launch angle makes the ball go farther?

The optimal launch angle for maximizing distance varies depending on factors like club speed and ball spin. In general, a launch angle around 12-15 degrees for a driver can help achieve maximum distance. However, it's best to work with a golf professional to determine the ideal launch angle for your specific swing.

What is the importance of projectile motion in badminton?

Projectile motion in badminton is important as it helps players anticipate the trajectory of the shuttlecock and adjust their positioning and movements accordingly. Understanding projectile motion allows players to better control their shots by adjusting the angle and power of their hits to achieve desired results. It also helps in strategizing gameplay and predicting opponents' moves based on the projectile path of the shuttlecock.

Which term is defined as the use of horizontal and diagonal to create the illusion of depth?

Linear perspective is the term defined as the use of horizontal and diagonal lines to create the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional artwork. By converging lines to a vanishing point on the horizon, artists can achieve a sense of space and distance on a flat surface.