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That means that the voltage and the current are in phase.

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Q: At what condition the phase angle equal zero?
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Why phase angle is zero when voltage and current are in phase?

1 & 3

What is the phase angle at unity power factor?

Zero degrees.

What is the phase shift for a sin wave with the maximum amplitude at time zero?

For a sine wave with maximum amplitude at time zero, there is no phase shift. The wave starts at its peak at time zero, and therefore, its phase angle is zero.

What is phase angle of a resonant circuits?

The current through a resonant circuit is (in general) out of phase with the voltage. One measure of the phase angle is this angle. At resonance the phase angel is near zero so it can be used as a parameter to drive a self-tuning mechanism.

What is the phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit?

The phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit is zero. Voltage and current are in phase with each other.

How can you have a ground fault protection in a 3 phase 3W system?

3 phase ground fault detection on a 3 phase system requires that the vector summation of all three phase currents be measured. The vector sum of these currents should equal zero, or nearly zero for a balanced system. If a ground fault exists, then the vector sum will not equal zero. This condition must be validated using i2t techniques in order to eliminate false trips.

What is the phase angle difference between inductive load and resistive load?

The phase angle is defined as the angle by which the load current leads or lags the supply voltage.For a purely-resistive load, the phase angle is zero, because the load current is in phase with the supply voltage.For a purely-inductive load, the phase angle is 90 degrees lagging.But few loads are either purely-resistive or purely-inductive; typically, most loads are resistive-inductive. This means that, typically, the phase angle lies somewhere between zero and 90 degrees.

Explain quadrature null effect of coherent detector?

zero demodulated signal, which occurs for phase angle equal to + or - 90degrees, represent Quadrature Null Effect of the coherent detector.

What is phase angle?

The angle by which a circuit's current leads or lags its supply voltage.

Why power factor in cos phi why not in sin phi?

Because it has to be 1 when the phase angle is zero.

What is the power factor when the current and voltage are in phase?

The power factor of a load is the cosine of the angle by which the load current lags or leads the supply voltage. So if they are in phase (phase angle is zero), then the power factor must be unity (1).

What are you conclusions about the phase relationship between the driver and the oscillator below and above resonance?

Below resonance, the phase relationship between the driver and the oscillator is predominantly in phase. As the system approaches resonance, the phase relationship shifts 90 degrees out of phase with the driver leading the oscillator. Above resonance, the phase relationship is reversed, with the driver lagging the oscillator by 90 degrees.